Are you ready for Nationals?

PBDRC & National Drag Racing Championship


Sunday, 31st January ,2021 - Round Six


We have a few tools which will hopefully make your weekend with us a bit more enjoyable without all that entry stress on race day. 

1. National Drag Racing Championship Rules & Regulations - Make sure you are familiar with these rules as a racer

2. Are you travelling more than 300kms to our track? Read over the Travel Criteria Form to ensure you meet the requirements so you can receive your travel money promptly. 

3. Fill in your Entry Form - take away the queue at the sign in shed and get it done before race day. You will however, still be required to go to the sign in shed and collect your racer and crew armbands etc.

NB: On raceday we can only accept cash for race entry fees as we do not have eftpos available at the sign in shed. Alternatively, if you wish to pay online, please state online payment made on your entry form and provide the reference so we can confirm. 

PBDRC Bank Account No. : 03-0855-0404908-00


If you have any questions or need further info, please don't hesitate to reach out via Facebook or email us




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